SanDiego escort Oriti

Name: Oriti
Age: 24
Height: 5ft 4in
Weight: 115
Bust: D-Cup
Hair: Brunette
Languages: English



Hello there! My name is Oriti and probably the person you need by your side whenever you want great moments of pleasure in San Diego. I love to treat my clients with quality times that they will love to come back to San Diego for more. I am a D-Cup brunette with a beautiful looking smile. My blue eyes will wow men around us giving you the attention as the man of the moment. Well, and I will not hesitate to show them how special you are as long as you agree to it. I say this because I respect what my clients and always strive to give them the best company possible.

I am physically fit and health. You should not have any worries about my health status as I do regular checkups to ensure I am healthy and fit to manage the needs of my clients. I am exactly as you see me here and not just posing for the camera. Well, go ahead and give me that call right away for the very best experiences.